DF n°160, Interview with VOLCANO THE BEAR, June 18th, 2012

By the end of March, we went to see several times Volcano the Bear during their French tour. After their show in Albi, we had a long conversation with Daniel Padden and Aaron Moore and here is the recording of it. Of course, we talked about their new album, Golden Rhythm/Ink Music, but also about many other subjects, from pataphysics to record covers, from the themes of identity and sound to the virtues of forgetfulness.

THOROFON, Flesh & Steel
FUJAKO, Mal'ak (eroded by Tzii)
THOMAS BEL, Les heures grises
AIMA & PINO CARAFA, Ochi di Notte
VOLCANO THE BEAR, Buffalo Shoulder, The Last song of Norway, Baby Photos, There in the house of the moon, Wood frong pond, Planetary Bethlehem, Spurius Ruga, Shake your Crow, Did you ever feel like Jesus, Millipede for the little boy
OPERATING THEATRE, Fingerdance Waltz/Hymn
IRIS GARRELFS, Alien Nebula Rider
DAVEN KELLER, Métronome 10
7JK, Boxed in green
BEYOND SENSORY EXPERIENCE, Between sleeping and walking
SKINCAGE, Regenesis
PAN & ME, The Lighthouse at two lights
NEON RAIN, The cellar is the safest place